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365 Days’ Journey……

At the beginning of every new year, hope, enthusiasm, happiness and every great description that would be associated to something new comes full in the excitement. The very hope that indeed something better lies ahead as we have a new set of 52 Sundays through to Sabbath and just maybe an extra  1 more day out of the same mentioned to make a full 365 days.

2016 was truly a tough year for many of us in start up space. Talking to many of my peers and friends, there was so much hope that 2017  was going to probably open up better than its predecessor making us all hope that cash flow would just maybe improve and make business better. Today only 6 days left in the year that had lots of hope; I look forward to compare my 365 pages with a couple other start up entrepreneurs to see where I can borrow a leaf to make the new year 2018 Much better than 2017 was. Keep Moving !!!!

So much has happened in 2017, some of which definitely never happened before and will probably never happen again in many years to come. One of the most memorable events in the political space will be the two Presidential elections, these will forever  remain in the minds of many Kenyans.

A year that has seen the most repossessions in the collateral management space in as far as asset financing is concerned.

We however also wish to celebrate great strides In our education system where 2 key exit level national exams were taken by candidates and results released in record time. Great strides in as far as Blockchain Technology and  Cryptocurrency are concerned while a darker side where we’ve seen enough pyramid schemes associated to election years come and go down, Biggest retail chain Nakumatt troubles, Uchumi, loss of loved ones both at family levels and at national levels. So much more across all sectors locally and internationally  including the discussions around Zimbabwe and South Africa within our continent. So much to look at in the tech space in Africa and across the globe in 2017 that will definitely shape 2018.

Why did I have to go into all these?

I draw my biggest lessons and inspiration from the 3 part stories told by Steve Jobs in his 2005 Stanford Commencement address .


  1. Connecting the dots,
  2. Love and loss and finally
  3. Death.

Charles R Swinoll ( evangelical Christian pastor, author, educator, and radio preacher) Further breaks it down for me in his quote “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it”

We go through so much everyday, this remains the differentiator.

No one else does it for you.
You Determine your destiny.

2017 is 6 days from over and we have yet another set of year ahead of us – there’s nothing that stops us from making everything that we have wished to have from today; we do not have to wait 6 days later to begin the journey. Just do it now. It makes all the difference. You get a 6 day bonus on your 365 days’ journey as you begin the sprint with a 6 day advantage. It goes a long way. Use this early opportunity to make a difference in your life and the lifes of others – Don’t wait…………………

As a team made of 99% youthful technology enthusiasts at Kibo Capital Group and all our partner companies, we’ll definitely endeavor to support our peers here at home and across the continent within the space that we choose to take on.

As I sign off – I learned from a young age that “The world owes me nothing”, in any case I owe it everything – this is true for me as it’s true for you too. When you get this, you’ll make peace with a lot more people you believe have not been so supportive when you have had troubles. Every single person irrespective of their perceived status in society, has some sort of struggle, when you judge them , I think you are more likely to miss the bigger picture.

God bless you all and Happy Holidays.

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
  • Nina Kawira

    Good insights.

    • Paul Kuria

      Very interesting and insightful

      • Jandal Repsaj

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